Reactor is the Physics system used in 3ds Max 2011 and earlier. I created this tutorial for a post on, but many people still use older versions of 3ds Max. So I thought I should post it here as well. Please comment and let me know if it works for you. The tutorial is written in a general way so that you can reproduce the steps on your own objects.
Click here to download the completed Max File
Creating the Hinge:
- Parent object b (the Small Box) to object a (the Larger Box).
- Change the pivot on object b so that rotating the Z axis gives the effect you want.
- Hold ALT + Shift and Right click for the reactor menu.
- Select Hinge Constraint and click on the ground near your objects.
- Select the Hinge object and in the modify panel set object B as the Child.
- Check the Parent option and set object A as the parent.
- Click on Child Space and Child Body.
- Don't worry about the Min and Max Angles, the collisions will take care of that.
Creating the Hinge Solver:
- Hold ALT + Shift and Right click for the reactor menu.
- Click on Constraint Solver and click on the ground near the objects to create one.
- Select the Solver and in the modify panel click on Pick and select the Hinge.
- Select object a and b
- Hold ALT + Shift and Right click for the reactor menu.
- Click on Rigid Body Collection, the selected objects will be added automatically.
- Select the Solver and in the modify panel set the RB Collection as the Rigid Body Collection object.
Create the Rigid Body Collection:
- Open the Reactor right click menu and click on Open Property Editor
- Select object A, and in the Property Editor check Unyielding and set Shell to 0.
- (This means it's a hand keyed object that influences physics)
- Select object B and give it mass.
- (Doesn't matter how much, unless it hits other objects.)
- Also and set Shell to 0.
Preview and Bake:
- Go to the utility panel and open the Reactor utility.
- Click on Preview animation.
- You can edit the Timing setting and preview again.
- If everything is cool you can click on Create Animation to bake.
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